“Walking Together” Truancy Prevention Project in Kiryat Malachi Schools

Menifa runs an emotional and therapeutic support program for students in Kiryat Malachi who are not attending school, to prevent truancy and return them to normative functioning.

This truancy prevention program is intended to help students who are in dysfunctional situations and may be “hidden dropouts” because of frequent absences or passivity in the classroom. These students receive emotional and social reinforcement and support services from a social worker or art therapist, according to their individual needs. The structure of the program involves individual or group therapy, including meaningful contact with the parents. We provide tools for the students and help their families to support them within their school framework. 


Program participants

 45 students from 8 elementary schools in the city who were identified as hidden dropouts. The program included 500 meetings with students and 120 meetings with their parents. There are plans to expand this program to also include high school students.


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